We were delighted, but not surprised, to see MIT Technology Review's Top 10 Technologies for 2021 included the category of "Hyper-accurate positioning". Just as we have predicted since our founder invented the category of mobile, local search and information in the 90's, exciting new local search and information technologies are on the horizon and are predicted to be major game-changers in numerous industries.
As the MIT Tech Review suggests, GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and LPS (Local Positioning Systems) "with centimeter- or millimeter-level accuracy could open up entire new industries."
Here is a link to their press release: MIT Tech Review Press Release. and the Article: MIT's 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2021.
Per the Article, "That’s opening up new possibilities, from landslide warnings to delivery robots and self-driving cars that can safely navigate streets."
Here is the link to Ling Xin's Feb. 24, 2021 Article entitled Hyper-Accurate Positioning is Rolling Out Worldwide".
Since the launch of go2 in 1999, our founder and others have been creating, inventing, and commercializing cutting edge human-friendly real-time, micro-location addressing, information, navigation, services, and communications technologies, and we are currently licensing and deploying our technology and platform with others across numerous verticals and geographies to power future generations of services and users. It's not just deliveries and rideshare, but IoT, public safety, asset management, property management, and even just normal every life like finding and meeting someone at conferencing, or at the beach or park.
After years of development, at long last the technologies and services are catching up to our vision for human, voice, text, and AI friendly micro-location referencing and related services, complemented by our patented real-time, permission-based infinitely variable privacy protection system. Together, we believe they will be the sine qua non of achieving the full potential of 'hyper-accurate' GPA/LPS systems. Why? Imagine the telephone system without phone numbers. The Internet without domain names. Emails without email addresses. Impossible, right? That's why our multi-patented SmartAddress® IDs and SmartPoint Locators will combine with our LocationPlus™ Infinite Privacy Protection systems and our other patented technolgies to enable, enhance, and sustain the next and future generations of micro locations services and systems. Contact us now if you would like to learn more about how we can work together to help everyone save time, money, fuel/emissions, frustration, and even lives.